Site news


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GA animatedWelcome language enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Gesellig Afrikaans site where we offer Afrikaans and Dutch short learning courses to anyone interested in acquiring conversational skills in any of these languages. 

The courses are structured in such a way as to give students a broad overview of Afrikaans or Dutch as a foreign language within 20 weeks.

To learn more about the different courses, please consult the relevant information section. 

Students interested in enrolling, should be aware of the following: 

  • This online course requires you to have internet access to complete weekly activities.  
  • Buying or acquiring a bilingual dictionary of Afrikaans or a bilingual dictionary of Dutch is necessary to complete vocabulary activities. 
  • You need to be able to upload audio files and make recordings. 
  • You have to complete the course and formal assessment within 20 weeks after enrolment.

For more information about the course content, take a look at the course manual below in the information section. 

For more information, please feel free to contact

BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING (JAN 2025) / Important announcement (JAN 2025)

by Admin User -

Inskrywings vir Gesellig Afrikaans (Afrikaans Taalverwerwing vir Vreemdetaalsprekers, of Afrikaans Taalvaardigheid vir Derde- en Vreemdetaalsprekersen Nederlands leren spreken (Nederlands Taalverwerwing vir Suid-Afrikaners) 

Enrollments for Gesellig Afrikaans (Afrikaans Language Acquisition for Foreign Language Speakers, and Afrikaans Language Competence for Third or Foreign Language Speakers) and Nederlands leren spreken (Dutch Language Acquisition for South Africans)

Twee inskrywings vind jaarliks plaas. Die eerste semester se kursus begin 1 Februarie en duur tot middel Junie. Die tweede semester se kursus begin 1 Julie en eindig middel November. 

Nuwe studente skryf jaarliks dus in Januarie en Junie in.  

Die kursus behels weeklikse (trapsgewyse) assesserings wat in 'n minimum van 14 tot 20 weke voltooi moet word. Om die kursus suksesvol te voltooi, word van studente verwag om sowat vier tot vyf ure tyd per week aan die kursus te spandeer. 

Die kursusfooi beloop ZAR3 500 per persoon.

Stuur gerus 'n e-pos aan (Cc vir meer inligting en hoe om aansoek te doen.

Two enrollments take place annually. The first semester course starts on 1 February and continues until middle June. The second semester course begins on 1 July and ends middle November. 

New students, therefore, enroll in January and June every year. 

The weekly assessments must be completed within a minimum of 14 to 20 weeks. Students are expected to spend about four to five hours' time per week to successfully complete the course.

The course fee is ZAR3 500 per person. 

Please send an e-mail to (Cc for more information on how to apply.

Dutch for beginners

by Admin User -

Dutch banner

Nederlands taalverwerving voor Zuid Afrikane: Nederlands leren spreken
Nederlands taalverwerwing vir Suid-Afrikaners: Leer Nederlands praat
Dutch language acquisition for South Africans: Learn to speak Dutch

Hierdie kursus is saamgestel vir Suid-Afrikaners met ‘n voorkennis van Afrikaans wat wil leer Nederlands praat. Die Afrikaanse teks, gevolg deur die Nederlandse en Engelse teks, word deurlopend gegee. 

Basiese grammatika word aangeleer deur middel van uittreksels uit tekste oor toeriste-inligting oor België en Nederland. Verskeie aktiwiteite word ingespan om taalreëls, uitspraak en woordeskat vas te lê. 

Course manual    Nederlands kursushandleiding - Afrikaans version | English version | Dutch version

Raadpleeg die handleiding vir meer inligting oor die kursus. 


The total cost of the online course is ZAR3 500.   

Participants need to contact for information on how to apply for the programme. After the application has been approved, the participant will receive a participatory number, and more information on the banking details.

After proof of payment has been received via e-mail, the course content will be opened by the administrator. The student will receive a notification informing them that the course has started and will be available for 20 weeks from the date of activation.

Afrikaans for beginners

by Admin User -

Gesellig Afrikaans banner

Gesellig Afrikaans 1 (basic course) is aimed at students 16 years and older with no prior knowledge and/or exposure to Afrikaans. The basic course (Gesellig Afrikaans 1) focuses on vocabulary, pronunciation, listening skills and basic Afrikaans communication. The basic course can give you access to the advanced course (Gesellig Afrikaans 2).

  Download the Course Manual for Gesellig Afrikaans 1

Gesellig Afrikaans 2 (advanced course) is aimed at students 16 years and older with passive prior knowledge of Afrikaans as a foreign language (such as completing the basic course, Gesellig Afrikaans 1). This is not aimed at learners/students who were enrolled for Afrikaans as a school subject (either first or second additional language) in their final school year.

  Download the Course Manual for Gesellig Afrikaans 2 



Please contact for information on how to apply for the programme.

The total cost of the online course is ZAR3 500.   

After the application has been approved, the participant will receive a participatory number and banking details for payment. 

After proof of payment has been received via e-mail, the course content will be opened by the administrator. The student will receive a notification informing them that the course has started and will be available for 20 weeks from the date of activation.