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Afrikaans for beginners

Afrikaans for beginners

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Gesellig Afrikaans 1 (basic course) is aimed at students 16 years and older with no prior knowledge and/or exposure to Afrikaans. The basic course (Gesellig Afrikaans 1) focuses on vocabulary, pronunciation, listening skills and basic Afrikaans communication. The basic course can give you access to the advanced course (Gesellig Afrikaans 2).

  Download the Course Manual for Gesellig Afrikaans 1

Gesellig Afrikaans 2 (advanced course) is aimed at students 16 years and older with passive prior knowledge of Afrikaans as a foreign language (such as completing the basic course, Gesellig Afrikaans 1). This is not aimed at learners/students who were enrolled for Afrikaans as a school subject (either first or second additional language) in their final school year.

  Download the Course Manual for Gesellig Afrikaans 2 



Please contact for information on how to apply for the programme.

The total cost of the online course is ZAR3 500.   

After the application has been approved, the participant will receive a participatory number and banking details for payment. 

After proof of payment has been received via e-mail, the course content will be opened by the administrator. The student will receive a notification informing them that the course has started and will be available for 20 weeks from the date of activation.